This story is by Joy Sullivan and was part of our 2022 Fall Writing Contest. You can find all the writing contest stories here.
Mirror, Mirror
Liz and Tom appeared to be the perfect couple. Their house was perfect, their cars were perfect, their jobs were perfect. They were the couple to know. Invitees to one of their fabulous parties were envied by those that were not invited. Liz was a lovely woman, long, shiny raven hair that she wore free flowing, sharp blue eyes. a gorgeous smile showing pearly white sparking teeth, and a mild and honey flawless complexion. Tom was the tall dark and handsome type. He was beginning to show signs of baldness, but he was okay with that. After all, they were approaching their forties. Tom was content to age gracefully and accept whatever came his way. Liz was not. She was not going to get old, she would do everything she could to stay young and beautiful. Every night, she would sit at her dressing table and examine her face for lines. She’d check her hair for gray strands.
One night, while examining her face, she screams, “Tom, come quick! This is an emergency. Hurry.” Tom jumps out of bed and rushes to her. “What’s wrong? Why did you scream?” he asks, catching his breath. “Look, Tom! There’s a wrinkle! What can I do? I put lotions and creams on to protect my skin and yet….here is a wrinkle. Oh my God!”
“Liz, you’re going on forty years old. You’re going to start showing some aging. Will you just relax and try to age gracefully?” “I can’t! My skin has always been perfect. We have a costume party coming up and I can’t let our friends see me like this. I can’t go as Lady Guinevere with wrinkles. She was young and vibrant. “Tom couldn’t resist. ” For God’s sake, Liz. Then go as her mother. Liz was stung at his comment. “Oh, Tom. You just don’t understand.”
First thing the next day, Liz heads to her beauty salon, seeking treatment. The advisor starts,” Well, first of all, these creams will keep your skin moist, the mud packs will act as an exfoliant, and, finally, here is a must for every person concerned about their skin. This is a special mirror. It has two sides. One side magnifies your face so you can see every pore. The reverse is just a normal mirror.” “I haven’t seen you here before, are you a new hire?” asks Liz. “Yes, my name is Regan, but I only work part time and the days and hours vary.” Regan replies. Impressed with Regan’s knowledge, Liz buys everything she recommended. Regan, her showing concern cautioned her, “I’m sure you’ll be very happy with your purchases. But I remind you, do not be upset with the mirror. It will show you every flaw.”
Liz goes home and impatiently sets up the mirror. “Oh dear, it does show every flaw. Well, I’ll fix it with make up and no one will see any damage. I need to use blocker to cover the defects the mirror has exposed. I hope I can cover the emerging crow’s feet, but I still have a lovely face.” she says admiringly to herself. “Whoa, hold on. You don’t need to cover the crow’s feet. That’s part of the natural aging process. They are small right now and no one will notice, so stop obsessing. Besides, you are going on forty.” Liz turned around, wondering who had spoken. “Tom, is that you? Are you home?” No answer. Liz turned back to the mirror. “What are you still looking at? You’ve seen you face thousands of times. It hasn’t changed except for a few age lines.” the voice said. All of a sudden, Liz sees a face appear in the mirror. It is cloudy, but she can make out a mouth and two eyes. “Who or what are you? How can you be talking to me?” Liz asks. “Regan told you I was a special mirror. I am always truthful. I never tell a lie, so you can ask me anything.” the mirror answered. Frightened, Liz turns off the mirror and leaves her dressing room. The next day she returns to the beauty salon, looking for Regan. “Where is Regan, the woman that was here yesterday, the one with long black hair and haunting eyes?” “I don’t know who you mean. We have no one here like that. the manager tells her. “Well, she sold me a lot of creams and a mirror and I need to talk to her. It’s really important. Please tell me how I can reach her.” Liz begs, almost frantic at this point. “Sorry, I can’t help you.” the manager said firmly. “But, she was here! I didn’t dream it. I have all the products at home. She was real!” Liz insists to no avail. Finally she leaves for home, resolving to focus on the costume party that night.
Her portrayal as Guinevere was the highlight of the night. Delighting in her triumph, Liz starts to undress and get comfortable. She brings out the creams and begins to remove her make up. As she turns on the mirror, the same unformed face greets her.
“What, are you still here?” Why don’t you go away, or at least keep your thoughts to yourself?” Liz challenges. “Oh, that would defeat my purpose for being here. You are a very vain woman, Liz and it’s time you realized it. You almost live in front of a mirror constantly examining your face. It drives your tolerant husband crazy, do you know that?” the mirror asks. Outraged, Liz responds, “That’s not true! I’ll prove it.” She calls to the bedroom. “Tom, come here please. I know you won’t believe this , but the mirror has a face and is talking to me.” “Liz, what what are you talking about? It’s just a mirror. Look, there’s nothing there. Finish up, now, so we can put the lights out and go to bed. Okay? It’s been a long day. No more nonsense.” Tom stifles a yawn. He goes off, crawls into bed and falls asleep almost immediately. In the morning he discovers that Liz has never come to bed. He looks at the clock. It’s time for him to get ready for work. On his way to the bathroom, he passes Liz’s dressing room and sees her still in front of the mirror. “Liz, why didn’t you come to bed?” He goes in and nudges her on the shoulder. Se shudders a bit and falls to the floor. Tom hears breaking glass as she hits the floor. He looks around, sees the lighted mirror still on. Now ,when he looks into it, he sees Liz’s face staring back at him. She is inside the mirror. He looks down at the body on the floor and sees a black void where her face should be and shards of glass splattered around her head. From the mirror, he hears her pleading for help. Liz, what happened? How did you get inside the mirror?” Tom is totally bewildered. “What should I do? Who should I call?”
The mirror answers his questions. “There is nothing you can do for her, Tom. She ordained her own fate. She refused to age and now her wish has come true. She will remain as she is for all time. Her vanity has won.”
Tom stares at the mirror for a minute, then turns it off. He goes to the door, takes a last look back and leaves the dressing room. He shuts the door firmly as he goes.
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